July 04, 2014


Boned and skinned chicken breasts - 2
coconut milk - 850 gms
Chicken stock - 285 ml
Spring onions - 4
Lemon grass - 4 stalks
Juice of 2 limes
Grated ginger - 1 tsp
Anchovy essence - 3 tsp
Soy sauce - 1  tsp
Small red chillies - 12
Lime leaves - 4 (optional)
Fresh coriander - 6 springs


  • Pour the stock and coconut milk  into a large pan and heat gently until the blocks have melted.
  • Slice the spring onions, cut off the base of lemon stalk, peel away the tough outer layers and discard.
  • Finely chop the bottom 4" of stalk and discard the rest.
  • Add the lemon grass to the pan with lime juice, grated ginger, anchovy essence, soya sauce, whole chillies, spring onions and lemon leaves.
  • Heat the soup to just below boiling point. Cut the chicken breasts into  1" strips, add to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Reserve the 4 small springs of coriander,chop the remaining springs .Add to the pan.
  • Pour the soup into bowls, garnish with coriander springs and serve.
  • Do not eat the chillies or lime leaves.

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