June 20, 2016


Eggs - 6
Milk - 4 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Black pepper - 1/4 tsp'Ghee - 2 tbsp
Spring onions - 5 (finely chopped)
Green chillies - 2 (finely chopped)
Garlic - 1/2 tsp (finely chopped)
Ginger - 1 tsp (finely chopped)
Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
Coriander leaves - 3 tbsp
cumin powder - 3/4 tsp


  • Beat eggs and milk, salt and pepper until well mixed.
  • Heat the wok, add ghee and cook the spring onions, chillies, garlic and ginger until soft.
  • Add turmeric and ground cumin.
  • Cover over low heat, stirring constantly,until the eggs are of a creamy consistency.
  • Turn on to a serving dish and garnish with fresh corainder leaves.

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