November 12, 2016


The Danish national soup, almost a meal in itself. The meat is often served separately with pickled beetroot, mustard, rye bread and butter, akvavit and lager.

Dried yellow peas - 450 gms
Salt pork - 900 gms
Water - 1300 ml
Carrots - 3-4
Leeks - 1-2
Bouquet garni


  • Soak the peas overnight. Next day boil them in three pints of unsalted water until tender.
  • Simmer the pork separately with a bouquet of herbs and the other vegetables.  
  • When the pork is tender, remove from the pot and keep hot.
  • Then sive the peas and add to the pork broth, from which all fat has been removed.
  • Serve the pork with the soup.
  • Small potatoes may be added to the soup during the last 20 minutes of cooking time if a more substantial dish is desired.

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