July 31, 2016


Small elbow macaroni - 350 g
Cottage cheese - 225 g
Soured cream - 225 ml
Egg - 1 (lightly beaten)
Salt - 3/4 tsp
Black pepper - pinch
French mustard - 2 tsp
Strong cheddar cheese - 225 g (grated)


  • Preheat the oven to 200 C. Cook the macaroni according to packet directions.
  • Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the cottage cheese, soured cream, egg, salt, pepper, mustard and half the cheese.
  • Drain the macaroni thoroughly in a colander, and toss with the cheese mixture in the bowl. 
  • Spread the mixture evenly in a greased, shallow ovenproof dish. Top with the remaining cheese, and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until set. 
  • If the macaroni and cheese are browning too quickly, cover with foil after 20 minutes of baking.

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