April 10, 2017


Milkmaid tin - 1
Tinned pineapple - 3-4 sliced (chopped)
Gelatine - 2 1/2 tbsp
Cream - 1 1/3 cups
Juice of 4 lemons 
Milk - 1 2/3 cups


  • Soak gelatine in 1/2 cup of water. Dissolve over a pan of hot water.
  • Mix the dissolved gelatine with milkmaid, milk, finely chopped pineapple slices and lemon juice.
  • Whip the cream till stiff.Mix into the milkmaid pineapple mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into a souffle dish and chill in the refrigerator.
  • When set, decorate with stiffly beaten cream, glazed cherry or candied peel and serve.
Note: Tinned pineapple may be substituted with fresh pineapple slices stewed in sugar. Use one tbsp sugar and one tbsp water for each slice.

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