April 19, 2014


Burgers - 2
Cabbage - 1/2 cup (shredded)
Tomato - 1 (sliced)
Onion - 1 (sliced)
Coriander leaves - 1 tbsp(chopped)
Cucumber - 1/2 (sliced)
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
Salt and pepper to taste
Butter -4 tsp


  • Cut burgers into 2 slices. Apply butter on both sides and roast on hot griddle till they are slightly crisp.
  • On top of the lower slice, place a little shredded cabbage, onion slice, tomato slice and cucumber slice alternatively.
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper and top with mayonnaise.
  • Cover with the upper slice and serve with ketch up.

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