May 16, 2019


For pancake:
Maida - 40 gms
Milk - 100 ml
Egg- 1/3
Pinch of salt
Oil - 3 tsp

For Filling:
Potato - 50 gms
Cauliflower - 50 gms
Carrot - 50 gms
Green peas- 50 gms
Tomato - 1
Butter - 1 tbsp
Tomato sauce - 1/2 tbsp
Salt and chilli powder to taste


For making pancakes:

  • Sift flour along with a salt into a bowl.
  • Break egg into it and add milk gradually into the flour.
  • Mix until the batter is smooth and without lumps.
  • Keep aside for 30 minutes. Whisk again.
  • Heat little oil in a frying pan. Pour a spoonful of batter into pan to make thin pancake.
  • Cook both sides and do the same with remaining batter.
For filling:
  • Peel and cut potatoes and carrots into small cubes. Cut cauliflower into small florets.
  • Finely chop tomato and shell the green peas.
  • Heat butter in a pan, add vegetables and seasoning.
  • Cover and cook over a low flame.
  • When done add tomato sauce.
  • Spread some of the vegetable filling over a pan cake.
  • Roll and serve hot.

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