June 17, 2016


Rice - 250 gms
Pork fat or ghee - 50 gms
Onion - 1 (big)
Ginger - 2 tbsp
Turmeric - 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves -2 tsp
Salt and pepper to taste
Chicken or pork -1 cup


  • Grind onion, ginger and coriander leaves to make paste.
  • Boil chicken or pork pieces in salt water till tender. Drain and keep aside.
  • Heat the ghee or pork fat in a heavy bottom vessel, add ground paste and fry till oil floats.
  • Add washed rice, chicken pieces, salt and pepper. Stir for few minutes.
  • Then add enough water to cook the rice.Close the lid and cook till the rice is done.
  • Serve hot.

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